Aura Helpers show


Shows a given template.


show(template[, options[, locals])
show(model, template[, options[, locals])


You may pass +options[:engine]+ to specify which engines you will want to limit the search to. This defaults to +App.multi_engines+, or Tilt's supported engines if that's not defined.

You may pass +options[:views]+ to specify which directories to scour. This defaults to +Main.multi_views+, or +Main.views+.

Show a template

show :home

Show a model's view

This example looks at :'page/index' and :'base/index', using whichever it finds first

page = Page['/about']
show page, :index

Limiting engines

# HAML only
show :home, engine: :haml

# HAML or ERB, favoring HAML first
show :home, engine: [:haml, :erb]

Only certain paths

Only look at certain paths

show :home, views: [ './views', './skins/default' ]