Aura Recipes Bundling sample data

Bundling sample data

You may want to bundle some sample data with the application when you deploy. This may be useful when you're delivering the CMS as one self-contained package to your client.

Freeze your data

Assuming you have Aura working locally, freeze it using rake db:dump. This creates a config/seed.yml file.

$ rake db:dump
* Working...
* Writing to config/seed.yml...




Be sure to add this file to your repository.

$ ls -la config/seed.yml
-rw-r--r--   1 rsc  staff  28115 Jul 23 23:14 seed.yml

$ git add config/seed.yml

The next time your application starts, it will rebuild the database from that snapshot. You can use rake db:flush to ensure that this will happen the next time the application loads.